Saturday, December 22, 2007

Still Missing Joe

Has it really been five years?
In some ways, I’m glad that Joe Strummer isn’t around to see how ridiculous things have gotten. But then I realize that we probably need him around more than ever, since no one has managed to step up their game to the level of Joe.
And it’s practically unforgettable to think about how low fellow Clash cohort, Mick Jones, has gotten since that time.
But what a class act Strummer was. Even the lean years (Cut The Crap) seem strangely forgiveable because, well because even Joe himself would acknowledge that they were crap.
On the other end of it, he seemed completely humble about the years that everyone reveres. The ones that produced some of the most landmark albums known to rock music.
The ones that you bring out on a regular basis.
The ones that make you miss Joe Strummer even more when you’re done listening to them.

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